Air Quality Services


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.


committed to the environment

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HI State services is a Hawaii Energy Clean Energy Ally! Ask us about available rebates through Hawaii Energy.


duct cleaning

HI State services is fully equipped to perform full duct cleaning services for all your residential and commercial needs. 


uv light treatment

Basic - Clean filter, clear drain, add drain pan tablets, check temperature Delta T, clean condenser coil, post-cleaning analysis, and recommendations 

Deluxe - clean filter, clear drain, clean drain pan, add drain pan tablets, check temperature Delta T, Coil clean condenser and evaporator coil with Nu-Calgon, clean blower wheel.  Check freon levels, disinfect air handler cabinet, Inspect electrical components, post-cleaning analysis, and recommendations, schedule next cleaning

air purification: iWave product

Basic option - change filter, clear drain, add drain pan tablets, check temperature Delta T, clean condenser coil, post cleaning analysis and recommendations, schedule next cleaning.

Deluxe option- change filter, clear drain, add drain pan tablets, check temperature Delta T, Coil clean condenser and evaporator coil with Nu-Calgon, Check freon levels, disinfect air handler cabinet, Inspect electrical components, post cleaning analysis, and recommendations, schedule next cleaning.